Tag: victim mentality

Train the MIND! Train the BODY! Train to WIN!

A Strong Mind: Blake O’Neill

Choosing a Strong Mind The University of Michigan was poised to win a huge rivalry game against in-state opponent Michigan State.  Then the unthinkable happened.  10 seconds left in the game. Simple play.  Punt the ball away and make a tackle.  Great players on the field, on both sides of the ball, including a punter…
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athletic injury on sidelines

Signs You Are Showing a Victim Mentality

The victim mentality is one that deflects responsibility, limits potential and minimizes an individual’s experience in sport and life.  In order to have success and enjoy our opportunities in sport and life, we must void ourselves of the victim mindset. Those who exhibit the victim mentality allow their experiences to take on an “all or…
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The Victim Mentality Part II

The Victim Mentality Part II Last time we talked about the victim mentality, we asked readers to consider their own experiences in life and the mentality they bring to those situations. Today we continue the conversation and dive deeper into the question, “Are you a victim?” To be or not to be…a victim I had an interesting…
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